As my graduation collection at Nottingham Trent University, Realm of sleep came about with a choice of a personally derived concept. It began with the exploration of sleep being a getaway from the tiring reality, guided by the eerie sentiment as such of the film The Science of Sleep by Michel Gondry.

Then came the intriguing and rather decisive research of Sleep Concerts by musicians Robert Rich and Fumio Miyashita. Mythical as that may seem, it led to the analysis of the supposedly tranquil soundwave (Somnium album by Rich) and the work-related stress of Miyashita's audiences. Accordingly, the two elements evolved into the very core originality of this project, with the later specifically brought forward the crucial discussion on the Inemuri phenomenon.
During the development process, each garment piece took inspiration from either an item or an idea that directly linked with the core concept as explained above. Interestingly, the combination of those pieces created a coherent contrast between structured forms and drapey silhouettes. 
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